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The configuration of a Kùzu database or a connection to the database can be changed through a standalone CALL statement, described in this section. Different from the CALL clause, this statement of changing configuration cannot be used with other query clauses, such as RETURN.

Connection configuration

THREADSnumber of threads used by executionsystem maximum threads
TIMEOUTtimeout of query execution in msN/A
VAR_LENGTH_EXTEND_MAX_DEPTHmaximum depth of recursive extend30
ENABLE_SEMI_MASKenables the semi mask optimizationtrue
HOME_DIRECTORYsystem home directoryuser home directory
FILE_SEARCH_PATHfile search pathN/A
PROGRESS_BARenable progress bar in CLIfalse
PROGRESS_BAR_TIMEshow progress bar after time in ms1000
CHECKPOINT_THRESHOLDthe WAL size threshold in bytes at which to automatically trigger a checkpoint16777216 (16MB)
WARNING_LIMITmaximum number of warnings that can be stored in a single connection.8192
SPILL_TO_DISKspill data disk if there is not enough memory when running `COPY FROM (cannot be set to TRUE under in-memory or read-only mode)true

Database configuration

CHECKPOINT_THRESHOLD the WAL size threshold at which to automatically trigger a checkpoint16777216

Configure execution threads


Configure query timeout


Configure maximum depth of recursive extend

CALL var_length_extend_max_depth=10;

Configure semi-mask optimization

CALL enable_semi_mask=false;

Configure home directory

CALL home_directory='/kuzu';

Configure file search path

CALL file_search_path='/kuzu/file';

Configure progress bar

CALL progress_bar=true;

Configure checkpoint threshold

CALL checkpoint_threshold=16777216;

Configure warning limit

CALL warning_limit=1024;

Configure Spill to disk temporary file

CALL spill_to_disk=true;
# Disables spilling to disk
CALL spill_to_disk=false;