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Variant is a data type that can store values of various data types (similar to the sql_variant data type of SQLServer). Currently it can only be used to store RDF literals in RDFGraphs. That is, you cannot create a regular node or relationship table that holds a column of type VARIANT. When working with RDFGraphs, the Literals node table’s val column stores RDF literal values. RDF literals, and Kùzu’s Variant data type can store values of different data types. For example, consider the following triples in a Turtle file:

@prefix kz: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
kz:Waterloo a kz:City ;
kz:name "Waterloo" ;
kz:population 10000 ;
kz:altitude1 "329.0"^^xsd:decimal .

Suppose that you insert these into an RDFGraph named UniKG. You will get the following values in the val column of the Literals node table UniKG_l:

MATCH (a:UniKG_r)-[p:UniKG_lt]->(o:UniKG_l)
RETURN a.iri, p.iri, o.val;
| a.iri | p.iri | o.val |
| | | 329.000000 |
| | | 10000 |
| | | Waterloo |

In the output above the data types of the values in o.val are as follows (data types are not rendered in Kùzu CLI’s output)

  • 329.000000 is a double
  • 10000 is an integer
  • "Waterloo" is a string

These different types are stored under the same column val of the Literals node table.

Kùzu Data Types that can be Stored in a Variant Column

The following Kùzu data types can be stored in a Variant column. You can use the cast function to cast a value to a specific data type before storing it in a Variant column (as will be demonstrated in the CREATE statement examples momentarily).

Kùzu Data TypeCAST Function Example
INT8cast(2, “INT8”)
INT16cast(2, “INT16”)
INT32cast(2, “INT32”)
INT64cast(2, “INT64”)
UINT8cast(2, “UINT8”)
UINT16cast(2, “UINT16”)
UINT32cast(2, “UINT32”)
UINT64cast(2, “UINT64”)
DOUBLEcast(4.4, “DOUBLE”)
FLOATcast(4.4, “FLOAT”)
BLOBcast(“\xB2”, “BLOB”)
BOOLcast(“true”, “BOOL”)
STRINGcast(123, “STRING”)
DATEcast(“2024-01-01”, “DATE”)
TIMESTAMPcast(“2024-01-01 11:25:30Z+00:00”, “TIMESTAMP”)
INTERVALcast(“1 year”, “INTERVAL”)

For example, the below code adds new triples into an RDFGraph with type date and float, respectively:

CREATE (a:UniKG_r {iri:""})-[p:UniKG_lt {iri:""}]->(o:UniKG_l {val:cast("2024-01-01", "DATE")});
CREATE (a:UniKG_r {iri:""})-[p:UniKG_lt {iri:""}]->(o:UniKG_l {val:4.4});

Above, DATE type needs to be cast explicitly as in “cast(“2024-01-01”, “DATE”)” while 4.4, which is of type DOUBLE, can be provided as is. This is because DATE is not an automatically inferred data type. The above two CREATE statements will create the following two triples:

| | | 4.400000 |
| | | 2024-01-01 |

Supported Data Types When Loading From Turtle Files

Although we can store any of the above data types in a Variant column through CREATE statements, when loading from a Turtle file, currently only a subset of these data types are supported. The data types that can be loaded from Turtle files along with their XML Schema Definition (XSD) tags are as follows:

Kùzu Data TypeXSD Tag
By default any literal that is not tagged explicitly with the above XSD tags will be stored as a Kùzu STRING data type.

Parsing RDF Literals from Turtle Files

When parsing RDF literals from Turtle files, if you explicitly type your literals with an XSD tag, then those will be the data types. In other cases, Kùzu will try to infer the data types. Consider the below Turtle file:

@prefix kz: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
kz:Waterloo a kz:City ;
kz:population 10000 ;
kz:altitude1 329.0 ;
kz:altitude2 "329.0"^^xsd:decimal ;
kz:altitude3 "329.0" .

This will result in the following triples:

| a.iri | p.iri | o.val |
| | | 10000 |
| | | 329.000000 |
| | | 329.000000 |
| | | 329.0 |

The data types above are as follows (again data types are not rendered in Kùzu cli’s output):

  • 10000 is an INT64 (automatically inferred)
  • 329.000000 (for altitude1 and altitude2) are DOUBLE. Note that altitude1 is automatically inferred, while altitude2 is explicitly typed with an xsd tag.
  • 329.0(for altitude3) is a STRING (automatically inferred)

Exporting Variant Values (e.g., Tables with Variant Columns)

Kùzu supports exporting Variant data to some files. For example, you can export a table with a Variant column to a CSV file and each value will be converted to a string (as every value in CSV files are strings). However, we do not support exporting Variant data to Parquet. If you want to export a variant data type to Parquet, you need to explicitly cast Variant data type to another data type that can be exported to Parquet, such strings. Check the documentation on data exporting for up-to-date information on this.