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Run graph algorithms

One of the overarching goals of Kuzu is to function as the go-to graph database for data science use cases. NetworkX is a popular library in Python for graph algorithms and data science. In this section, we demonstrate Kuzu’s ease of use in exporting subgraphs to the NetworkX format using the get_as_networkx() function in the Python API. In addition, the following two capabilities are demonstrated.

  • Graph Visualization: We visualize subgraphs of interest via Kuzu explorer
  • PageRank: We compute PageRank on an extracted subgraph, store these values back in Kuzu’s node tables and query them.

The dataset we will use for this exercise is the MovieLens dataset, available here. The small version of the dataset is used, which contains 610 user nodes, 9724 movie nodes, 100863 rates edges, and 3684 tags edges. The schema of the dataset is shown below.

You can download the dataset locally via wget.

Terminal window

Place the CSV files in a directory named movie_data in the same directory in which you want the database to be stored.

Insert data to Kuzu

The data is copied to a Kuzu database via the Python API as follows:

import shutil
db_path = './ml-small_db'
shutil.rmtree(db_path, ignore_errors=True)
def load_data(connection):
connection.execute('CREATE NODE TABLE Movie (movieId INT64, year INT64, title STRING, genres STRING, PRIMARY KEY (movieId))')
connection.execute('CREATE NODE TABLE User (userId INT64, PRIMARY KEY (userId))')
connection.execute('CREATE REL TABLE Rating (FROM User TO Movie, rating DOUBLE, timestamp INT64)')
connection.execute('CREATE REL TABLE Tags (FROM User TO Movie, tag STRING, timestamp INT64)')
connection.execute('COPY Movie FROM "./movies.csv" (HEADER=TRUE)')
connection.execute('COPY User FROM "./users.csv" (HEADER=TRUE)')
connection.execute('COPY Rating FROM "./ratings.csv" (HEADER=TRUE)')
connection.execute('COPY Tags FROM "./tags.csv" (HEADER=TRUE)')
db = kuzu.Database(db_path)
conn = kuzu.Connection(db)

Visualize subgraphs in Kuzu Explorer

You can visualize the data in Kuzu Explorer as shown in the previous section. An example is shown below.

// Return the first two users, their movies and their ratings
MATCH (u:User)-[r:Rating]->(m:Movie)
WHERE u.userId IN [1, 2]
RETURN u, r, m LIMIT 100;

Export subgraph to NetworkX

You can extract only the subgraph between users and movies (ignoring tags) and convert it to a NetworkX graph G. This assumes that the network package is installed via pip.

# pip install networkx
res = conn.execute('MATCH (u:User)-[r:Rating]->(m:Movie) RETURN u, r, m')
G = res.get_as_networkx(directed=False)

We output an undirected graph as the direction doesn’t matter for the PageRank algorithm.

Compute PageRank

We can compute the PageRank of the subgraph G using NetworkX’s pagerank function.

pageranks = nx.pagerank(G)

The movie nodes’ PageRanks along with their IDs can then be put into a Pandas DataFrame as follows:

pagerank_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pageranks, orient="index", columns=["pagerank"])
movie_df = pagerank_df[pagerank_df.index.str.contains("Movie")]
movie_df.index = movie_df.index.str.replace("Movie_", "").astype(int)
movie_df = movie_df.reset_index(names=["id"])
print(f"Calculated pageranks for {len(movie_df)} nodes\n")
print(movie_df.sort_values(by="pagerank", ascending=False).head())
Terminal window
Calculated pageranks for 9724 nodes
id pagerank
20 356 0.001155
232 318 0.001099
16 296 0.001075
166 2571 0.001006
34 593 0.000987

Similarly, we can store the PageRanks for the user nodes in a Pandas DataFrame the same way:

user_df = pagerank_df[pagerank_df.index.str.contains("User")]
user_df.index = user_df.index.str.replace("User_", "").astype(int)
user_df = user_df.reset_index(names=["id"])
user_df.sort_values(by="pagerank", ascending=False).head()

Write PageRank values back to Kuzu

To write the values back to Kuzu, first update the node table schemas to include a new property pagerank.

# Alter original node table schemas to add pageranks
conn.execute("ALTER TABLE Movie ADD pagerank DOUBLE DEFAULT 0.0;")
conn.execute("ALTER TABLE User ADD pagerank DOUBLE DEFAULT 0.0;")
except RuntimeError:
# If the column already exists, do nothing

An important feature of Kuzu is its ability to natively scan Pandas DataFrames in a zero-copy manner. This allows for efficient data transfer between your data in Python and Kuzu. The following code snippet shows how this is done for the movie nodes.

# Copy pagerank values to movie nodes
x = conn.execute(
LOAD FROM movie_df
MERGE (m:Movie {movieId: id})
ON MATCH SET m.pagerank = pagerank
RETURN m.movieId AS movieId, m.pagerank AS pagerank;
Terminal window
movieId pagerank
0 1 0.000776
1 3 0.000200
2 6 0.000368
3 47 0.000707
4 50 0.000724

The same can be done for the user nodes.

# Copy user pagerank values to user nodes
y = conn.execute(
LOAD FROM user_df
MERGE (u:User {userId: id})
ON MATCH SET u.pagerank = pagerank
RETURN u.userId As userId, u.pagerank AS pagerank;
Terminal window
userId pagerank
0 1 0.000867
1 2 0.000134
2 3 0.000254
3 4 0.000929
4 5 0.000151

Query PageRank values in Kuzu

You can run a query to print the top 20 pagerank movies to test that the upload worked:

res1 = conn.execute(
MATCH (m:Movie)
RETURN m.title, m.pagerank
ORDER BY m.pagerank DESC LIMIT 5
Terminal window
m.title m.pagerank
Terminal window
m.title m.pagerank
0 Forrest Gump (1994) 0.001155
1 Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) 0.001099
2 Pulp Fiction (1994) 0.001075
3 Matrix, The (1999) 0.001006
4 Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) 0.000987

And similarly, for the user nodes:

res2 = conn.execute(
MATCH (u:User)
RETURN u.userId, u.pagerank
ORDER BY u.pagerank DESC LIMIT 5
Terminal window
u.userId u.pagerank
0 599 0.016401
1 414 0.014711
2 474 0.014380
3 448 0.012942
4 610 0.008492

Further work

You’ve now seen how to use NetworkX to run algorithms on a Kuzu graph, and move data back and forth between Kuzu and Python.

There are numerous additional computations you can perform in NetworkX and store these results in Kuzu. See the tutorial notebook on Google Colab to try it for yourself!