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Install Kùzu

Kùzu is an embedded graph database that can be used from the command line as well as a variety of programming languages. This page shows how to install Kùzu for the various client libraries available in various languages.

Command Line (Shell)

If you don’t need Kùzu embedded in your application, you can use the CLI shell. This is a standalone executable with no dependencies that can be used to interact with a Kùzu database using just Cypher.

You can install the Kùzu CLI using Homebrew.

Terminal window
brew install kuzu


Use pip to install the Kùzu Python client library.

Terminal window
pip install kuzu


Use npm to install the Kùzu Node.js client library.

Terminal window
npm install kuzu


The latest stable version is available on Maven Central.



Use Cargo to install the Kùzu Rust client library. This will by default build and statically link Kùzu’s C++ library from source. You can also link against the dynamic release libraries (see the Rust crate docs for details).

Terminal window
cargo add kuzu


Kùzu’s Go API is a wrapper around the C API of Kùzu. The installation step below assumes that you have Go installed and available on your machine, and that there’s an initialized Go project that has a go.mod in the directory. If you need to create a new Go module, follow this tutorial.

Terminal window
go get


Use a tool like cURL to download the latest version of the Kùzu C/C++ binaries to your local machine (or, simply copy-paste the below HTTPS URL into your browser).

The Kùzu C++ client is distributed as so/dylib/dll+lib library files along with a header file (kuzu.hpp). Once you’ve downloaded and extracted the C++ files into a directory, it’s ready to use without any additional installation. You just need to specify the library search path for the linker.

Terminal window
curl -L -O

Nightly Builds

If you want access to the bleeding edge feature set in Kùzu, install from our nightly build pipeline.

  • Python: pip install --pre kuzu
  • Node.js: npm i kuzu@next
  • Java: The latest snapshot version is available on GitHub Packages
  • For the CLI, C/C++ shared libraries, and Rust, the latest nightly versions for each can be downloaded from the latest run of this GitHub Actions pipeline.