Create your first graph
Kuzu implements a structured property graph model and requires a pre-defined schema.
- Schema definition involves declaring node and relationship tables and their associated properties.
- Each property key is strongly typed (types must be explicitly declared)
- For node tables, a primary key must be defined
- For relationship tables, no primary key is required
Kuzu supports both on-disk and in-memory modes of operation. The mode is determined at the time of creating the database, explained below.
On-disk database
At the time of creating your database, if you specify a database path, for example, ./demo_db
, Kuzu
will be opened under on-disk mode. In this mode, Kuzu will persist all data to disk at the specified
path. All transactions are logged in the Write-Ahead Log (WAL), in which any changes will be merged into the
database files during checkpoints.
In-memory database
At the time of creating your database, if you omit the database path, specify it as an empty string
, or explicitly specify the path as :memory:
, Kuzu will be opened under in-memory mode.
In this mode, there are no writes to the WAL, and no data is persisted to
disk. All data is lost when the process finishes.
Quick start
To create your first graph, ensure that you have installed the Kuzu CLI or your preferred client API installed
as per the instructions in the Installation section.
The example below uses a graph schema with two node types, User
and City
, and two relationship types, Follows
and LivesIn
The dataset in CSV format can be found here.
Because Kuzu is an embedded database, there are no servers to set up — you can simply import
the kuzu
module in your preferred client library and begin interacting with the database in your
client API of choice. The examples below demonstrate how to create a graph schema and insert data
into an on-disk database.
You can do the same using an in-memory database by omitting the database path, specifying
an empty string ""
, or specifying :memory:
in your client API of choice.
import kuzu
def main() -> None: # Create an empty on-disk database and connect to it db = kuzu.Database("./demo_db") conn = kuzu.Connection(db)
# Create schema conn.execute("CREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))") conn.execute("CREATE NODE TABLE City(name STRING, population INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))") conn.execute("CREATE REL TABLE Follows(FROM User TO User, since INT64)") conn.execute("CREATE REL TABLE LivesIn(FROM User TO City)")
# Insert data conn.execute('COPY User FROM "./data/user.csv"') conn.execute('COPY City FROM "./data/city.csv"') conn.execute('COPY Follows FROM "./data/follows.csv"') conn.execute('COPY LivesIn FROM "./data/lives-in.csv"')
# Execute Cypher query response = conn.execute( """ MATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN,, f.since; """ ) while response.has_next(): print(response.get_next())
['Adam', 'Karissa', 2020]['Adam', 'Zhang', 2020]['Karissa', 'Zhang', 2021]['Zhang', 'Noura', 2022]
The approach shown above returned a list of lists containing query results. See below for more output options for Python.
You can also pass the results of a Cypher query to a Pandas DataFrame
for downstream tasks. This assumes that pandas
is installed in your environment.
# pip install pandasresponse = conn.execute( """ MATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN,, f.since; """)print(response.get_as_df()) f.since0 Adam Karissa 20201 Adam Zhang 20202 Karissa Zhang 20213 Zhang Noura 2022
Polars is another popular DataFrames library for Python users, and you
can process the results of a Cypher query in much the same way you did with Pandas. This assumes
that polars
is installed in your environment.
# pip install polarsresponse = conn.execute( """ MATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN,, f.since; """)print(response.get_as_pl())
shape: (4, 3)┌─────────┬─────────┬─────────┐│ ┆ ┆ f.since ││ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ││ str ┆ str ┆ i64 │╞═════════╪═════════╪═════════╡│ Adam ┆ Karissa ┆ 2020 ││ Adam ┆ Zhang ┆ 2020 ││ Karissa ┆ Zhang ┆ 2021 ││ Zhang ┆ Noura ┆ 2022 │└─────────┴─────────┴─────────┘
Arrow Table
You can also use the PyArrow library to work with
Arrow Tables in Python. This assumes that pyarrow
is installed in your environment. This
approach is useful when you need to interoperate with other systems that use Arrow as a backend.
In fact, the get_as_pl()
method shown above for Polars materializes a pyarrow.Table
under the hood.
# pip install pyarrowresponse = conn.execute( """ MATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN,, f.since; """)print(response.get_as_arrow()) stringf.since: [["Adam","Adam","Karissa","Zhang"]] [["Karissa","Zhang","Zhang","Noura"]]f.since: [[2020,2020,2021,2022]]
const kuzu = require("kuzu");
(async () => { // Create an empty on-disk database and connect to it const db = new kuzu.Database("./demo_db"); const conn = new kuzu.Connection(db);
// Create the tables await conn.query("CREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))"); await conn.query("CREATE NODE TABLE City(name STRING, population INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))"); await conn.query("CREATE REL TABLE Follows(FROM User TO User, since INT64)"); await conn.query("CREATE REL TABLE LivesIn(FROM User TO City)");
// Load the data await conn.query('COPY User FROM "./data/user.csv"'); await conn.query('COPY City FROM "./data/city.csv"'); await conn.query('COPY Follows FROM "./data/follows.csv"'); await conn.query('COPY LivesIn FROM "./data/lives-in.csv"');
const queryResult = await conn.query("MATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN, f.since,;");
// Get all rows from the query result const rows = await queryResult.getAll();
// Print the rows for (const row of rows) { console.log(row); }})();
{ "": "Adam", "f.since": 2020, "": "Karissa" }{ "": "Adam", "f.since": 2020, "": "Zhang" }{ "": "Karissa", "f.since": 2021, "": "Zhang" }{ "": "Zhang", "f.since": 2022, "": "Noura" }
Kuzu’s Java client library is available on Maven Central. You can add the following snippet to your pom.xml
to get it installed:
<dependency> <groupId>com.kuzudb</groupId> <artifactId>kuzu</artifactId> <version>0.8.2</version></dependency>
Alternatively, if you are using Gradle, you can add the following snippet to your build.gradle file to include Kuzu’s Java client library:
For Groovy DSL:
implementation 'com.kuzudb:kuzu:0.8.2'
For Kotlin DSL:
Below is an example Gradle project structure for a simple Java application that creates a graph schema and inserts data into the database for the given example.
├── build.gradle├── src/main│ ├── java│ │ └──│ └── resources│ │ └── user.csv│ │ └── city.csv│ │ └── follows.csv│ │ └── lives-in.csv
The minimal build.gradle
contains the following configurations:
plugins { id 'java' id 'application'}application { mainClassName = "Main"}repositories { mavenCentral()}dependencies { implementation 'com.kuzudb:kuzu:0.8.2'}
contains the following code:
import com.kuzudb.*;
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws ObjectRefDestroyedException { // Create an in-memory database and connect to it Database db = new Database(":memory:"); Connection conn = new Connection(db); // Create tables. conn.query("CREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))"); conn.query("CREATE NODE TABLE City(name STRING, population INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))"); conn.query("CREATE REL TABLE Follows(FROM User TO User, since INT64)"); conn.query("CREATE REL TABLE LivesIn(FROM User TO City)"); // Load data. conn.query("COPY User FROM 'src/main/resources/user.csv'"); conn.query("COPY City FROM 'src/main/resources/city.csv'"); conn.query("COPY Follows FROM 'src/main/resources/follows.csv'"); conn.query("COPY LivesIn FROM 'src/main/resources/lives-in.csv'");
// Execute a simple query. QueryResult result = conn.query("MATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN, f.since,;"); while (result.hasNext()) { FlatTuple row = result.getNext(); System.out.print(row); } }}
To execute the example, navigate to the project root directory and run the following command:
gradle run
When installing the kuzu
crate via Cargo, it will by default build and statically link Kuzu’s C++
library from source. You can also link against the dynamic release libraries (see the Rust
crate docs for details).
file contains the following code:
use kuzu::{Connection, Database, Error, SystemConfig};
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { // Create an empty on-disk database and connect to it let db = Database::new("./demo_db", SystemConfig::default())?; let conn = Connection::new(&db)?;
// Create the tables conn.query("CREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))")?; conn.query("CREATE NODE TABLE City(name STRING, population INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))")?; conn.query("CREATE REL TABLE Follows(FROM User TO User, since INT64)")?; conn.query("CREATE REL TABLE LivesIn(FROM User TO City)")?;
// Load the data conn.query("COPY User FROM './data/user.csv'")?; conn.query("COPY City FROM './data/city.csv'")?; conn.query("COPY Follows FROM './data/follows.csv'")?; conn.query("COPY LivesIn FROM './data/lives-in.csv'")?;
let query_result = conn.query("MATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN, f.since,;")?;
// Print the rows for row in query_result { println!("{}, {}, {}", row[0], row[1], row[2]); } Ok(())}
Adam, 2020, KarissaAdam, 2020, ZhangKarissa, 2021, ZhangZhang, 2022, Noura
package main
import ( "fmt" "os"
func main() { // Create an empty on-disk database and connect to it dbPath := "demo_db" os.RemoveAll(dbPath)
systemConfig := kuzu.DefaultSystemConfig() systemConfig.BufferPoolSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 db, err := kuzu.OpenDatabase(dbPath, systemConfig) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer db.Close()
conn, err := kuzu.OpenConnection(db) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer conn.Close()
// Create schema queries := []string{ "CREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))", "CREATE NODE TABLE City(name STRING, population INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))", "CREATE REL TABLE Follows(FROM User TO User, since INT64)", "CREATE REL TABLE LivesIn(FROM User TO City)", "COPY User FROM \"../dataset/demo-db/user.csv\"", "COPY City FROM \"../dataset/demo-db/city.csv\"", "COPY Follows FROM \"../dataset/demo-db/follows.csv\"", "COPY LivesIn FROM \"../dataset/demo-db/lives-in.csv\"", } for _, query := range queries { queryResult, err := conn.Query(query) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer queryResult.Close() }
// Execute Cypher query query := "MATCH (a:User)-[e:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN, e.since," result, err := conn.Query(query) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer result.Close() for result.HasNext() { tuple, err := result.Next() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer tuple.Close() // The result is a tuple, which can be converted to a slice. slice, err := tuple.GetAsSlice() if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(slice) }
[Adam 2020 Karissa][Adam 2020 Zhang][Karissa 2021 Zhang][Zhang 2022 Noura]
The Kuzu C++ client is distributed as so
library files along with a header file (kuzu.hpp
Once you’ve downloaded and extracted the C++ files into a directory, it’s ready to use without
any additional installation. You just need to specify the library search path for the linker.
In the following example, we assume that the so
, the header file, the CSV files, and
the cpp code file are all under the same directory as follows:
├── include│ ├── kuzu.hpp│ └── ......├── / libkuzu.dylib / kuzu_shared.dll + kuzu_shared.lib├── main.cpp├── user.csv├── city.csv├── follows.csv└── lives-in.csv
The main.cpp
file contains the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include "include/kuzu.hpp"
using namespace kuzu::main;using namespace std;
int main() { // Create an empty on-disk database and connect to it SystemConfig systemConfig; auto database = make_unique<Database>("test", systemConfig);
// Connect to the database. auto connection = make_unique<Connection>(database.get());
// Create the schema. connection->query("CREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))"); connection->query("CREATE NODE TABLE City(name STRING, population INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))"); connection->query("CREATE REL TABLE Follows(FROM User TO User, since INT64)"); connection->query("CREATE REL TABLE LivesIn(FROM User TO City)");
// Load data. connection->query("COPY User FROM \"user.csv\""); connection->query("COPY City FROM \"city.csv\""); connection->query("COPY Follows FROM \"follows.csv\""); connection->query("COPY LivesIn FROM \"lives-in.csv\"");
// Execute a simple query. auto result = connection->query("MATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN, f.since,;");
// Output query result. while (result->hasNext()) { auto row = result->getNext(); std::cout << row->getValue(0)->getValue<string>() << " " << row->getValue(1)->getValue<int64_t>() << " " << row->getValue(2)->getValue<string>() << std::endl; } return 0;}
Compile and run main.cpp
. Since we did not install the libkuzu
as a system library, we need to
override the linker search path to correctly compile the C++ code and run the compiled program.
On Linux:
env LIBRARY_PATH=. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. g++ main.cpp -std=c++20 -lkuzu -lpthreadenv LIBRARY_PATH=. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./a.out
On macOS:
env DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. LIBRARY_PATH=. clang++ main.cpp -std=c++20 -lkuzuenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. LIBRARY_PATH=. ./a.out
On Windows, the library file is passed to the compiler directly and the current directory is used
automatically when searching for kuzu_shared.dll
at runtime:
cl /std:c++20 /EHsc main.cpp kuzu_shared.lib./main.exe
Adam 2020 KarissaAdam 2020 ZhangKarissa 2021 ZhangZhang 2022 Noura
The Kuzu C API shares the same so
library files with the C++ API and can be used by
including the C header file (kuzu.h
In this example, we assume that the so
, the header file, the CSV files, and the C code file
are all under the same directory:
├── include│ ├── kuzu.h│ └── ......├── / libkuzu.dylib├── main.c├── user.csv├── city.csv├── follows.csv└── lives-in.csv
The file main.c
contains the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "include/kuzu.h"
int main(){ // Create kuzu system config with 512MB buffer pool size and 2 threads. kuzu_system_config config = {.buffer_pool_size = 512 * 1024 * 1024, .max_num_threads = 2, .enable_compression = true, .read_only = false}; // Create an empty on-disk database and connect to it kuzu_database *db = kuzu_database_init("test", config);
// Connect to the database. kuzu_connection *conn = kuzu_connection_init(db);
// Create the schema. kuzu_query_result *result = kuzu_connection_query(conn, "CREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))"); kuzu_query_result_destroy(result); result = kuzu_connection_query(conn, "CREATE NODE TABLE City(name STRING, population INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))"); kuzu_query_result_destroy(result); result = kuzu_connection_query(conn, "CREATE REL TABLE Follows(FROM User TO User, since INT64)"); kuzu_query_result_destroy(result); result = kuzu_connection_query(conn, "CREATE REL TABLE LivesIn(FROM User TO City)"); kuzu_query_result_destroy(result);
// Load data. result = kuzu_connection_query(conn, "COPY User FROM \"user.csv\""); kuzu_query_result_destroy(result); result = kuzu_connection_query(conn, "COPY City FROM \"city.csv\""); kuzu_query_result_destroy(result); result = kuzu_connection_query(conn, "COPY Follows FROM \"follows.csv\""); kuzu_query_result_destroy(result); result = kuzu_connection_query(conn, "COPY LivesIn FROM \"lives-in.csv\""); kuzu_query_result_destroy(result);
// Execute a simple query. result = kuzu_connection_query(conn, "MATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User) RETURN, f.since,;");
// Output query result. while (kuzu_query_result_has_next(result)) { kuzu_flat_tuple *tuple = kuzu_query_result_get_next(result);
kuzu_value *value = kuzu_flat_tuple_get_value(tuple, 0); char *name = kuzu_value_get_string(value); kuzu_value_destroy(value);
value = kuzu_flat_tuple_get_value(tuple, 1); int64_t since = kuzu_value_get_int64(value); kuzu_value_destroy(value);
value = kuzu_flat_tuple_get_value(tuple, 2); char *name2 = kuzu_value_get_string(value); kuzu_value_destroy(value);
printf("%s follows %s since %lld \n", name, name2, since); free(name); free(name2); kuzu_flat_tuple_destroy(tuple); }
kuzu_query_result_destroy(result); kuzu_connection_destroy(conn); kuzu_database_destroy(db); return 0;}
Compile and run main.c
: Since we did not install the libkuzu as a system library, we need to
override the linker search path to correctly compile the C code and run the compiled program.
On Linux:
env LIBRARY_PATH=. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. gcc main.c -lkuzuenv LIBRARY_PATH=. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./a.out
On macOS:
env DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. LIBRARY_PATH=. clang main.c -lkuzuenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. LIBRARY_PATH=. ./a.out
On Windows, the library file is passed to the compiler directly and the current directory is used
automatically when searching for kuzu_shared.dll
at runtime:
cl main.c kuzu_shared.lib./main.exe
Adam follows Karissa since 2020Adam follows Zhang since 2020Karissa follows Zhang since 2021Zhang follows Noura since 2022
When using the Kuzu CLI’s shell, you can create an on-disk database by specifying a path after
the kuzu
command in the terminal.
kuzu ./demo_db
Opened the database at path: ./demo_db in read-write mode.Enter ":help" for usage hints.kuzu>
Proceed to enter the following Cypher statements separated by semicolons. Note that you must indicate the end of each query statement with a semicolon in the shell, otherwise it will not be parsed correctly and fail to execute.
// Create schemaCREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name));CREATE NODE TABLE City(name STRING, population INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name));CREATE REL TABLE Follows(FROM User TO User, since INT64);CREATE REL TABLE LivesIn(FROM User TO City);
// Insert dataCOPY User FROM "./data/user.csv";COPY City FROM "./data/city.csv";COPY Follows FROM "./data/follows.csv";COPY LivesIn FROM "./data/lives-in.csv";
// Execute Cypher queryMATCH (a:User)-[f:Follows]->(b:User)RETURN,, f.since;
The following result is obtained:
┌─────────┬─────────┬─────────┐│ │ │ f.since ││ STRING │ STRING │ INT64 │├─────────┼─────────┼─────────┤│ Adam │ Karissa │ 2020 ││ Adam │ Zhang │ 2020 ││ Karissa │ Zhang │ 2021 ││ Zhang │ Noura │ 2022 │└─────────┴─────────┴─────────┘