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JSON extension


The json extension adds support for the JSON datatype, including a set of functions for JSON access and manipulation, scanning from, and copying to JSON files.

You can install the JSON extension by running the following command:


JSON files

JSON files can be interacted with using LOAD FROM, COPY FROM, and COPY TO.


This feature allows you to scan JSON files, similar to scanning other formats. Without type information, the structure will be inferred. To declare type information, you can use LOAD WITH HEADERS like you would for CSV files.

"id": 2,
"name": "Gregory"
"id": 1,
"name": "Bob",
"info": {
"height": 1.81,
"age": 71,
"previous_usernames": [ "the_builder", "the_minion" ]
"id": 0,
"name": "Alice",
"registry_date": "2024-07-31",
"info": {
"height": 1.68,
"age": 45,
"previous_usernames": [ "alice123", "alice_34425" ]

To scan the file above, you can do the following:

LOAD FROM 'people.json' RETURN *;


│ id │ name │ registry_date │ info │
│ UINT8 │ STRING │ STRING │ STRUCT(height DOUBLE, age UINT8, previous_usernames STRING[]) │
│ 2 │ Gregory │ │ │
│ 1 │ Bob │ │ {height: 1.810000, age: 71, previous_usernames: [the_builder,the_minion]} │
│ 0 │ Alice │ 2024-07-31 │ {height: 1.680000, age: 45, previous_usernames: [alice123,alice_34425]} │

Note that the resulting schema will be the union of the schema of all the objects in the json file.

In the above case, because we loosely scanned the file with no enforcement of types, column registry_date will be interpreted as a STRING, and not DATE by default. To enforce the datatype during scanning, use the LOAD WITH HEADERS feature.


LOAD WITH HEADERS (id INT64, name STRING, registry_date DATE, info STRUCT(height DOUBLE, age INT64, previous_usernames STRING[])) FROM 'people.json' RETURN *;


│ id │ name │ registry_date │ info │
│ INT64 │ STRING │ DATE │ STRUCT(height DOUBLE, age INT64, previous_usernames STRING[]) │
│ 2 │ Gregory │ │ │
│ 1 │ Bob │ │ {height: 1.810000, age: 71, previous_usernames: [the_builder,the_minion]} │
│ 0 │ Alice │ 2024-07-31 │ {height: 1.680000, age: 45, previous_usernames: [alice123,alice_34425]} │

The following optional parameters are supported:

format"array" or "unstructured". Array will read from documents whose roots are arrays, unstructured will read from files with multiple documents. Default value is "array".
maximum_depthDefault value is 10. Used by the type inference system to determine how “deep” into the json document to go to infer types.
sample_sizeDefault value 2048. Used by the type inference system to determine the number of elements used to infer the json type.

format Parameter

Given a ‘people-unstructured.json’ file in the following form:

"id": 2,
"name": "Gregory"
"id": 1,
"name": "Bob",
"info": {
"height": 1.81,
"age": 71,
"previous_usernames": [ "the_builder", "the_minion" ]
"id": 0,
"name": "Alice",
"registry_date": "2024-07-31",
"info": {
"height": 1.68,
"age": 45,
"previous_usernames": [ "alice123", "alice_34425" ]

That is, the file contains multiple JSON objects instead of objects wrapped in an array, then the format='unstructured' option should be used to scan the file.

LOAD FROM 'people-unstructured.json' (format='unstructured') RETURN *;

The results remain the same.

maximum_depth and sample_size Parameters

If the types aren’t explicitly declared, the type inference system will only go through the first sample_size objects, and only reach a depth of maximum_depth to infer the schema. If we write

LOAD FROM 'people-unstructured.json' (format='unstructured', sample_size=1) RETURN *;

Then the type inference system will only look at

"id": 2,
"name": "Gregory"

And conclude that the schema is (ID UINT8, NAME STRING), therefore giving the result

│ id │ name │
│ 2 │ Gregory │
│ 1 │ Bob │
│ 0 │ Alice │

Likewise, if we set the maximum_depth to 2

LOAD FROM 'people-unstructured.json' (format='unstructured', sample_size=2) RETURN *;

Then the type inference system will give up after the second level of type inference, and assume everything is a STRING

│ id │ name │ info │ registry_date │
│ 2 │ Gregory │ │ │
│ 1 │ Bob │ {"height":1.81,"age":71,"previous_usernames":["the_builder","the_minion"]} │ │
│ 0 │ Alice │ {"height":1.68,"age":45,"previous_usernames":["alice123","alice_34425"]} │ 2024-07-31 │


This feature allows you to copy data from a JSON file into a node or relationship table.


CREATE NODE TABLE Person (id SERIAL, name STRING, info STRUCT(height DOUBLE, age INT64, registry_date DATE, previous_usernames STRING[]), PRIMARY KEY(id));
COPY Person FROM 'people.json';

Optional parameters in COPY FROM are identical to the LOAD FROM feature, shown above.


This feature allows you to copy data from an existing table in Kùzu to a JSON file.

Example usage:

CREATE NODE TABLE Person (id SERIAL, name STRING, info STRUCT(height DOUBLE, age INT64, previous_usernames STRING[]), PRIMARY KEY(id));
CREATE (:Person {name: "Alice", info: {height: 1.68, age: 45, previous_usernames: ["alice123", "alice_34425"]}});
CREATE (:Person {name: "Bob", info: {height: 1.81, age: 71, previous_usernames: ["the_builder", "the_minion"]}});
CREATE (:Person {name: "Gregory", info: {height: 1.73, age: 22, previous_usernames: ["gregory7"]}});
COPY (match (p:Person) return p.*) to 'people-output.json';

The output in the file people.json-output looks like the following:
