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Database internals

Database modules

The following sections describes the role of each module under src/ directory.


The parser transforms an input string statement into Kuzu’s internal AST, called a Statement. Parser validates the syntax correctness of the input statement. An input statement will first be parsed into an antlr4 AST according to the grammar file under src/antlr4/Cypher.g4. We then perform a bottom-up traversal over the antlr4 AST and transform into Statement through Transformer.


Binder binds Statement into another AST called BoundStatement. It also validates the semantic correctness of the input statement and binds the string representation into an internal representation (mostly integer). For example, a table name will be bound into an internal table ID.

In addition, the Binder also performs a semantic rewrite of BoundStatement. Semantic rewrites don’t change the semantics of a BoundStatement but will rewrite it in a way for performant evaluation. Example: MATCH (a) WITH a RETURN will be written as MATCH (a) RETURN


Planner takes a BoundStatement as input and generates a LogicalPlan. A logical plan is a sequence of logical operator each of which can be mapped to a relational algebra concept, e.g. SCAN, FILTER, PROJECTION, JOIN, etc. The Planner only guarantees the correctness of the logical plan and doesn’t address anything to do with regard to performance.


Optimizer contains a set of optimization rules. Each rule is a transformation from one LogicalPlan into another LogicalPlan. The transformation should guarantee the correctness of the plan.


Processor takes a LogicalPlan as an input and maps it to a PhysicalPlan. A physical plan is a sequence of physical operators, each of which is an implementation of logical operators with a specific algorithm. For example, a logical JOIN can be mapped into physical INDEX_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN or HASH_JOIN.

In addition, the processor contains a task scheduler which breaks down a physical plan into multiple pipelines for morsel-driven parallelism.

Expression evaluator

Expression evaluator is light-weight physical operator that’s used to evaluate expressions. For e.g., ... RETURN a.age + 1 is mapped to a physical projection with an expression evaluator for a.age + 1.


Function module contains all functions (scalar functions, aggregate functions & table functions) that are available in the system.


Catalog module contains schema-level information that are generated through DDL.


Storage module contains data that needs to be persistent to disk. Specifically:

  • BufferManager: manage all memories being used in the system (except for small memories that are allocated from OS); cache recently read pages in memory.
  • Index: Hash index for primary keys.
  • Column: Vanilla column data structure.
  • List: CSR-like data structure.
  • NodeTable: A collection of multiple columns.
  • RelTable: Contains a forward and a backward DirectedRelData, each of which is a collection of multiple columns/lists.
  • NodeGroup: Horizontally partitioned table. Similar to RowGroup concept.
  • WAL: Write-ahead Log.


Transaction module implements the transaction and manager and objects.


Common module contains common logic used across different modules. Header files in common do not depend on headers in other modules.

Statement evaluation workflow

| Processor
| Mapper
| Optimizer
| Planner
| Binder
| Parser
String Input