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Attach/Detach to External Databases

Using the ATTACH statement, you can connect to external Kuzu databases as well as several relational DBMSs. These directories or files of these external databases can be both local or in a remote file system. Here is a simple example. Suppose you are in the Kuzu CLI and have opened a database under local directory /uw. In the middle of this session, you want to query another local Kuzu database, say /work, which suppose has some Manager node table. You can attach to the /work database and query the Manager nodes in it and then detach as follows:

ATTACH '/work' AS work (dbtype kuzu);
MATCH (a:Manager) RETURN *;
DETACH work;

Except for attaching to local Kuzu databases, attaching to external databases requires installing an extension. That is why we provide detailed documentation about attaching to external databases under the extensions section of the documentation:

  • For attaching to Kuzu databases, see the documentation here
  • For attaching to relational databases, see the documentation here