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Export to JSON

The COPY TO clause can export query results to a JSON file. To use this feature, you have to install the JSON extension using the instructions shown here.

To demonstrate this, we will create a node table and insert some data into it.

CREATE NODE TABLE Person (id SERIAL, name STRING, info STRUCT(height DOUBLE, age INT64, previous_usernames STRING[]), PRIMARY KEY(id));
CREATE (:Person {name: "Alice", info: {height: 1.68, age: 45, previous_usernames: ["alice123", "alice_34425"]}});
CREATE (:Person {name: "Bob", info: {height: 1.81, age: 71, previous_usernames: ["the_builder", "the_minion"]}});
CREATE (:Person {name: "Gregory", info: {height: 1.73, age: 22, previous_usernames: ["gregory7"]}});

The following query will export the data from the Person node table to a JSON file.

COPY (MATCH (p:Person) RETURN p.*) TO 'people-output.json';



You can use a JSON formatter to make the output more readable.