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For small graphs (a few thousand nodes), the MERGE Cypher clauses can be used to insert nodes and relationships to existing tables in Kuzu. These are similar to SQL’s INSERT statements, but bear in mind that they are slower than COPY FROM, which is optimized for bulk inserts. It’s generally recommended that the MERGE clause is only used to do small additions or updates on a sporadic basis.

If you want to do bulk inserts, see the COPY FROM page for instructions for your input format.

MERGE single nodes or relationships

Say you have an existing node table User with name and age properties and you want to insert a new user.


Initially, there is just one user in the database:

│ │ a.age │
│ STRING │ INT64 │
│ Alice │ 25 │

Now you want to insert a new user with the name Bob and age 30 that was obtained from an external source.

MERGE (u:User {name: 'Bob', age: 30})

The result will be:

│ │ a.age │
│ STRING │ INT64 │
│ Alice │ 25 │
│ Bob │ 30 │

The same approach can be used to import relationships — just ensure that the node tables and their data with the primary key values from your source data exist before trying to merge relationships.

MERGE from DataFrames

If you have a DataFrame whose entire data you want to MERGE into an existing node or relationship table, you can use the LOAD FROM clause in combination with the MERGE clause.

Let’s see this in action with an example.

import kuzu
import pandas as pd
db = kuzu.Database('test_db')
conn = kuzu.Connection(db)
df = pd.DataFrame({
'name': ['Karissa', 'Rhea', 'James'],
'current_city': ['Seattle', 'New York', 'San Francisco'],
'item': ['smartphone', 'laptop', 'headphones']
# Create tables
conn.execute("CREATE NODE TABLE Person (name STRING, current_city STRING, PRIMARY KEY (name))")
conn.execute("CREATE NODE TABLE Item (name STRING, PRIMARY KEY (name))")
conn.execute("CREATE REL TABLE Purchased (FROM Person TO Item)")
# Copy data into tables
conn.execute("COPY Person FROM (LOAD FROM df RETURN name, current_city)")
conn.execute("COPY Item FROM (LOAD FROM df RETURN item)")
conn.execute("COPY Purchased FROM (LOAD FROM df RETURN name, item)")
# Query data
res = conn.execute("MATCH (p:Person)-[:PURCHASED]->(i:Item) RETURN p.*, i.*")

Initially, there are 3 rows in the Person and Item tables: p.current_city
0 Karissa Seattle smartphone
1 Rhea New York laptop
2 James San Francisco headphones

Now, say you obtain updated information about the users Karissa and Rhea who purchased new items. Also, say the user Karissa has moved to a new city, so her current_city is now Boston.

df = pd.DataFrame({
'name': ['Karissa', 'Rhea'],
'current_city': ['Boston', 'New York'],
'item': ['headphones', 'smartphone']

You can avoid using a for loop by using the LOAD FROM clause in combination with the MERGE clause to merge the rows in the DataFrame into the database, all at once.

MERGE (p:Person {name: name})
MERGE (i:Item {name: item})
ON MATCH SET p.current_city = current_city
ON CREATE SET p.current_city = current_city
# Query data
res = conn.execute("MATCH (p:Person)-[:PURCHASED]->(i:Item) RETURN p.*, i.*")

The following steps are performed:

  1. The LOAD FROM clause loads the data from the DataFrame into the database.
  2. The first two MERGE clauses merge the data into the Person and Item tables.
  3. The third MERGE clause merges the data into the Purchased relationship table.
  4. The ON MATCH SET clause updates the current_city property for the user Karissa if she is already in the database.
  5. The ON CREATE SET clause sets the current_city property for the user Karissa if she is created (i.e., if she is not already in the database).

The resulting data looks like this: p.current_city
0 Karissa Boston smartphone
1 Karissa Boston headphones
2 Rhea New York laptop
3 Rhea New York smartphone
4 James San Francisco headphones