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Connections & Concurrency

In this section, we will go over the basics of how applications connect to a Kuzu database and list some best practices on how to do so concurrently.

Kuzu supports both on-disk and in-memory modes of operation. When operating under on-disk mode, your data and the underlying database files are stored in a local database directory, whereas under in-memory mode, no data is persisted to disk.

Throughout this documentation, let’s suppose you open a Kuzu database that’s on-disk, and whose files are in a directory named ./kuzu-db-dir.

Understand connections

Database and connection objects

Application processes must connect to a Kuzu database in 2 steps before they can start querying it:

Step 1. Create an instance of a Database object db and pass it the database directory (./kuzu-db-dir in our example below), and a read-write mode which can be either:

  1. READ_WRITE (default); or

Step 2. Creating a Connection object conn from the Database object db.

  • A Connection object that was created using a READ_WRITE Database object can execute queries that do both read (e.g., queries with MATCH WHERE RETURN statements) as well as write operations (e.g., queries with CREATE or COPY FROM statements).
  • In contrast, a Connection object that was created using a READ_ONLY Database can only execute queries that do read operations.

Then, using conn, one can execute Cypher queries against the database stored under ./kuzu-db-dir. Here’s a simple example application in Python that demonstrates these 2 steps for creating a READ_WRITE database and a connection. The same principles apply to other language APIs as well:

import kuzu
# Open the database in `READ_WRITE` mode. The below code is equivalent to:
# db = kuzu.Database("./kuzu-db-dir", read_only=False)
db = kuzu.Database("./kuzu-db-dir")
conn = kuzu.Connection(db)
conn.execute("CREATE (a:Person {name: 'Alice'});")

Restrictions of in-memory databases

When working with in-memory databases, there are a few restrictions to keep in mind.

  • An in-memory database cannot be opened as READ_ONLY — only READ_WRITE processes are allowed
  • When using the httpfs extension, we do not support remote file caching for in-memory databases
  • Attaching an in-memory database is not allowed

Understand concurrency

Limitations of creating multiple Database objects

Kuzu is an embedded database, i.e., it is a library you embed inside an application process and runs as part of this application process, instead of a separate process. You can think of the Database object as the Kuzu database software. Specifically, the Database object contains different components of the Kuzu database software, such as its buffer manager, storage manager, transaction manager etc. Several of the components inside a Database object, such as the buffer manager, caches parts of the data that is stored on disk. This limits the number of Database objects that can be created pointing to the same database directory, either in the same process or across multiple processes.

The possible settings are:

  1. One READ_WRITE Database object; or
  2. Multiple READ_ONLY Database objects.

The reason for this limitation is that if a connection conn1 from db1 makes a write operation, say deleting some node record, then thedb1 object is able to ensure that any cached data in db1 is refreshed and is accurate. However, it cannot notify other Database objects that may exist about the change. So in our example, db2’s cache would no longer represent the true state of the data on disk that was cached. This can lead to problems if connections from db2 try to run queries after db1’s modification. Therefore, Kuzu will not allow multiple Database objects to be created unless they are all READ_ONLY.

The limitation of having either one READ_WRITE Database object or multiple READ_ONLY Database objects applies even if these Database objects are created in the same application process. That said, there is often no good reason for creating multiple Database instances within the same process (you should instead share the same Database object in that process).

However, there are common scenarios when you may want to launch multiple application processes that connect to the same database directory. Once such scenario is when developing your workflow in Python using a Jupyter notebook, that connects to ./kuzu-db-dir. Say you want to also run the Kuzu CLI alongside your Jupyter notebook, which also connects to the same ./kuzu-db-dir. When you launch Kuzu CLI and point it to ./kuzu-db-dir, Kuzu CLI embeds Kuzu and tries to creates a READ_WRITE Database object. So if your notebook process already has created a Database object, this will fail with an error that looks like this:

IO exception: Could not set lock on file : ./kuzu-db-dir/.lock

If this happens, would have to shut down your notebook process (or simply restart your Jupyter server), so that its Database object is destroyed, before the CLI can run.

Create multiple Connections from the same Database object

Note that the above limitation about creating multiple Database objects does not mean that you cannot create multiple Connections from the same READ_WRITE Database object and issue concurrent queries. For example, you can write a program that creates a single READ_WRITE Database object db that points to ./kuzu-db-dir. Then, you can spawn multiple threads T1, …, Tk, and each Ti obtains a connection from db and concurrently issue read or write queries. This is safe. Every read and write statement in Kuzu is wrapped around a transaction (either automatically or manually by you). Concurrent transactions that operate on the same database ./kuzu-db-dir are safely executed by Kuzu’s transaction manager (i.e., the transaction manager inside db), again as long as those transactions are issued by connections that were created from the same Database object. See the documentation on transactions for the transactional guarantees that Kuzu provides.

Example scenarios

Below, we provide some examples and best practices for common scenarios you are likely to run Kuzu under:

Scenario 1: One process that creates a READ_WRITE database

In this scenario, you have a single application process that embeds Kuzu and creates a READ_WRITE Database object that opens the ./kuzu-db-dir database. Within this process, you can create multiple concurrent connections, each of which can execute queries that can read and write to the database, which will be handled safely by Kuzu’s transaction manager. Pictorially, this scenario looks as follows:

For simplicity, in the above image queries from conn1 and conn2 are executed sequentially but they could be running concurrently as well.

Scenario 2: Multiple processes that create READ_ONLY databases

In this scenario, you have multiple applications process that embed Kuzu and create READ_ONLY Database objects that open the same database directory ./kuzu-db-dir. Each process can create multiple concurrent connections and issue queries. However, each connection can only execute read-only queries (because the database is opened in READ_ONLY mode). Since the connections and queries are read-only none of the queries can change the actual database files on disk. Therefore, even though the queries are coming from connections from different Database objects, this is safe and allowed.

If you’re interested in running multiple processes that can read and write to the same database, see the next section.

Performing read-write operations from multiple processes

In certain production settings, you may need to have multiple processes that read and write to the same Kuzu database, say again stored under ./kuzu-db-dir. This is the case for example if you have an online application. Say you have a browser application and multiple users use your application from different browsers and each user interaction leads to concurrent read-write queries on the same database. To support such scenarios, a common design pattern is this:

  1. One API server process that embeds Kuzu and creates a single READ_WRITE Database object pointing to ./kuzu-db-dir. The API server is responsible for handling incoming requests from clients, say through HTTP or gRPC. The requests’ Cypher queries, which can read and write data to the database, are executed (possibly) concurrently.
  2. Multiple client processes that connect to the API server and send requests to the API server (again through some protocol, such as HTTP or gRPC). You are free to open any number of client processes that issue read or write queries to the API server.

Note that in terms of processes that embed Kuzu, this design pattern follows scenario 1 above as there is actually one process that creates a READ_WRITE Database object. To enable users to get up and running with such an architecture, we provide a REST-style Kuzu API server powered by Express.js. Pictorially, this design pattern looks as follows:

Known Issue: Kuzu Explorer not recognizing the .lock file permissions

Kuzu ensures that multiple Database objects, where one of them is a READ_WRITE instance, are not created by setting some permission flags in a .lock file under the database directory. This is a lightweight locking mechanism. However, there is a known issue that Kuzu Explorer is not able to see the flags put by other processes. The core problem is that Explorer runs as a Docker container and the flags are not propagated between the host operating system and the Docker environment. We do not currently have a fix to this (do contact us if you know of an easy solution). So if you have a process (or processes) that has opened a Database directory and yonpmu concurrently start Kuzu Explorer, you should manually ensure that either: (i) both Explorer and your other process are in READ_ONLY mode; or (ii) you shut down your other process first before opening Explorer in READ_WRITE mode.


In this section, we address some commonly asked questions related to concurrency and connections in Kuzu.

Can I embed Kuzu using both READ_ONLY and READ_WRITE processes in my application?

No, when embedding Kuzu in your application, you cannot have both READ_WRITE and READ_ONLY database processes open at any given time (in a safe manner). Technical details for this limitation are described the the sections above.

In short, the reason for this limitation is that at any given time, a READ_WRITE process can make changes to the disk layout, which may or may not be reflected in the buffer manager of other open READ_ONLY connections, and this can lead to inconsistencies or data corruption. To avoid this issue, the best practice when embedding Kuzu in your application is to use design patterns as per one of the scenarios shown pictorially, in the sections above.

Sometimes, when you are working in a Jupyter notebook and building your Kuzu graph while also trying to open other processes that connect to the same database directory, you may come across this error:

IO exception: Could not set lock on file : ./db_directory/.lock

The .lock file, as described in earlier sections in this page, is present to protect you from inadvertent data corruption due to multiple Database instances trying to access the same database directory concurrently. To resolve this, simply click the Restart server button in your Jupyter notebook (or close the Jupyter notebook entirely). Restarting the Jupyter notebook server (or closing it) will release the .lock file present in the database directory, allowing you to safely connect to the database via another connection, for example, a CLI or Kuzu Explorer for graph visualization. In general, it’s recommended to only open the CLI or Kuzu Explorer after you have finished any operations to the database (and closing or restarting the Jupyter notebook server).

Can I open an in-memory database as READ_ONLY?

No, you cannot open in-memory databases as READ_ONLY — only READ_WRITE processes are allowed when operating under in-memory mode. When you create a Kuzu database, there are two things to keep in mind:

  • The database mode (on-disk or in-memory)
  • Whether you will read and write to the database or only read from it

An in-memory database is stored in memory and not on disk. This means that the database is temporary and the data will be lost when the process that created the database is terminated, so from a working level perspective, in-memory databases require a READ_WRITE process.

See the getting started section for more details on how to create and work with in-memory databases in your client API of choice.