Numeric functions
Numeric functions are used to transform and manipulate numeric types. Common functions that have been implemented so far are listed below.
Function | Description | Example | Result |
abs(x) | returns the absolute value of x | abs(-25.2) | 25.2 |
acos(x) | returns the arccosine of x | acos(0.43) | 1.126304 |
asin(x) | returns the arcsine of x | asin(0.4) | 0.411517 |
atan(x) | returns the arctangent of x | atan(0.221) | 0.217504 |
atan2(x, y) | returns the arctangent of x, y | atan2(0.4, 0.2) | 0.342411 |
bitwise_xor(x, y) | returns the bitwise xor of x and y | bitwise_xor(2, 3) | 1 |
ceil(x) | rounds up x to the next nearest integer | ceil(4.2) | 5.0 |
ceiling(x) | alias of ceil | ceiling(3.27) | 4.0 |
cos(x) | returns the cosine value of x | cos(2.79) | -0.938825 |
cot(x) | returns the cotangent of x | cot(0.78) | 1.010855 |
degrees(x) | converts radians to degree | degrees(1.2534) | 71.814530 |
even(x) | rounds to next even number by rounding away from 0 | even(3.4) | 4 |
factorial(x) | returns the factorial of x | factorial(4) | 24 |
floor(x) | rounds down x to the nearest integer | floor(3.3) | 3 |
gamma(x) | interpolation of (x-1) factorial | gamma(2.4) | 1.242169 |
lgamma(x) | returns the log of gamma(x) | lgamma(1.4) | -0.119613 |
ln(x) | returns the natural logarithm of x | ln(2.11) | 0.746688 |
log(x) | returns the 10-log of x | log(2.11) | 0.324282 |
log2(x) | returns the 2-log of x | log2(3) | 1.584963 |
log10(x) | alias of log(x) | log10(100) | 2 |
negate(x) | returns the opposite number of x | negate(100) | -100 |
pi() | returns the value of pi | pi() | 3.141593 |
pow(x, y) | returns the value of x to the power of y | pow(4, 5) | 1024 |
radians(x) | converts the degree to radians | radians(89) | 1.553343 |
round(x, s) | rounds x to s decimal places | round(42.651, 1) | 42.700000 |
sin(x) | returns the sin of x | sin(413.31) | -0.981897 |
sign(x) | returns the sign of x | sign(-451 ) | -1 |
sqrt(x) | returns the square root of x | sqrt(4.25) | 2.061553 |
tan(x) | returns the tangent of x | tan(75) | -0.420701 |