Text functions
Text functions are used to manipulate text. The following operators are valid for text fields.
Operator | Description | Example | Result |
[index] | alias of array extract | STRING("TEXT")[1] | "T" |
[begin:end] | alias of array slice | STRING("TEXT")[1:3] | "TEX" |
The below functions are available for text fields.
Function | Description | Example | Result |
array_extract(list, index) | extracts a single character from string using 1-based index | array_extract("year", 2) | "e" |
array_slice(list, begin, end) | slices a string using 1-based index | array_slice("year", 1, 4) | "year" |
concat(string1, string2, string3, ...) | concatenates multiple strings | concat("university", " of", " waterloo") | "university of waterloo" |
contains(string1, string2) | return true if string2 is a substring of string1 | contains("aa", "a") | true |
ends_with(string1, string2) | alias of suffix | ends_with("best student", "student") | true |
lower(string) | returns the string in lower case | lower(“WaterLoo”) | “waterloo” |
lcase(string) | alias of lower | lcase("UPPER CASE") | "upper case" |
left(string, count) | returns the left most count number of characters from string | left("long string", 2) | "lo" |
levenshtein(s1, s2) | returns the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to transform string s1 to s2 (case-insensitive). | levenshtein('kitten', 'sitting') | 3 |
size(string) | returns the number of characters in string | size("database") | 8 |
list_element(string, index) | alias of array_extract | list_element("university", 3) | "i" |
list_extract(string, index) | alias of array_extract | list_extract("waterloo", 2) | "a" |
lpad(string, count, character) | pads the string with the character from the left until it has count characters | lpad("WaterLoo", 10, ">") | ">>WaterLoo" |
ltrim(string) | removes any white spaces on the left of the string | ltrim(" waterloo ") | "waterloo " |
prefix(string, search_string) | returns whether the string starts with search_string | prefix("good university", "good") | True |
repeat(string, count) | repeats the string count number of times | repeat("##", 5) | "##########" |
reverse(string) | reverses the string | reverse("<<12345>>") | ">>54321<<" |
right(string, count) | returns the right most count number of characters from string | right("toronto", 2) | "to" |
rpad(string, count, character) | pads the string with the character from the right until it has count characters | rpad("toronto", 10, '<') | "toronto<<<" |
rtrim(string) | removes any white spaces on the right of the string | rtrim(" toronto ") | " toronto" |
starts_with(string1, string2) | alias of prefix | starts_with("best student", "best") | True |
substring(string, start, length) | extracts the string from start position until length number of characters using 1-based index | substring("toronto", 1, 2) | "to" |
substr(string, start, length) | alias of substring | substr("long str", 2, 3) | "ong" |
suffix(string, search_string) | returns whether the string ends with search_string | suffix("toronto12", "12") | True |
trim(string) | removes any white spaces either on the left or right of the string | trim(" good ") | "good" |
upper(string) | returns the string in upper case | upper("small case") | "SMALL CASE" |
ucase(string) | alias of upper | ucase("small case") | "SMALL CASE" |
initcap(string) | returns the string with only the first letter in uppercase | initcap("roma") | "Roma" |
string_split(string, separator) | splits the string along the separator. | string_split('this is a sentence', ' ') | [this,is,a,sentence] |
split_part(string, separator, index) | Split the string along the separator and return the data at the (1-based) index of the list. Returns empty string if index out of range | split_part('this is a sentence', ' ', 1) | this |