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Load (Scan)

The LOAD FROM clause performs a direct scan over an input file without copying it into the database. This clause is very useful to inspect a subset of a larger file to display or load into a node table, or to perform simple transformation tasks like rearranging column order.

LOAD FROM is designed to be used in the exact same way as MATCH, meaning that it can be followed by arbitrary clauses like CREATE, WHERE, RETURN, and so on.


Some example usage for the LOAD FROM clause is shown below.


LOAD FROM "user.csv" (header = true)
WHERE CAST(age, INT64) > 25
| 3 |

Create nodes from input file

LOAD FROM "user.csv" (header = true)
CREATE (:User {name: name, age: CAST(age, INT64)});
MATCH (u:User) RETURN u;
| u |
| {_ID: 0:0, _LABEL: User, name: Adam, age: 30} |
| {_ID: 0:1, _LABEL: User, name: Karissa, age: 40} |
| {_ID: 0:2, _LABEL: User, name: Zhang, age: 50} |
| {_ID: 0:3, _LABEL: User, name: Noura, age: 25} |

Reorder and subset columns

You can also use the scan functionality to reorder and subset columns from a given dataset. For example, the following query will return just the age and name in that order, even if the input file has more columns specified in a different order.

// Return age column before the name column
LOAD FROM "user.csv" (header = true)
RETURN age, name LIMIT 3;
| age | name |
| 30 | Adam |
| 40 | Karissa |
| 50 | Zhang |

Enforce Schema

To enforce a specific schema and data types when reading from CSV, you can use the LOAD WITH HEADERS (<name> <dataType>, ...) FROM ... syntax.

The following query will bind first column name to the STRING type and second column age to the INT64 type. You can combine this with a WHERE clause to filter the data as needed.

LOAD WITH HEADERS (name STRING, age INT64) FROM "user.csv" (header = true)
WHERE name =~ 'Adam*'
RETURN name, age;
| name | age |
| Adam | 30 |

Scan Data Formats


When loading from a CSV file, you can use a similar syntax to the COPY FROM statement.

If no header row is available, you can simply pass in the CSV file name to the statment and Kùzu will parse each column as STRING type with name column0, column1, ....


LOAD FROM "test.csv" RETURN *;
| column0 |
| a |
| b |

If header names are available in the file, you can ask Kùzu to parse the header and use data types and names as specified in the header.


LOAD FROM "user.csv" (header = true) RETURN *;
| name | age |
| Adam | 30 |
| Karissa | 40 |
| Zhang | 50 |
| Noura | 25 |


Since Parquet files contain schema information in their metadata, Kùzu will always use the available schema information when loading from Parquet files.

LOAD FROM "user.parquet" RETURN *;
| f0 | f1 |
| Adam | 30 |
| Karissa | 40 |
| Zhang | 50 |
| Noura | 25 |


Kùzu allows zero-copy access to Pandas DataFrames. The data types within a Pandas DataFrame will be used to infer the schema of the data.

Because Pandas is a Python-only DataFrame library, the following example is for Python users. We first create a Pandas DataFrame as follows:
import kuzu
import pandas as pd
db = kuzu.Database("persons")
conn = kuzu.Connection(db)
df = pd.DataFrame({
"name": ["Adam", "Karissa", "Zhang", "Noura"],
"age": [30, 40, 50, 25]

The Pandas DataFrame can be scanned using the LOAD FROM clause just like we would from an external file. The data access occurs in a zero-copy manner, meaning that Kùzu natively scans the underlying Pandas data objects.

result = conn.execute("LOAD FROM df RETURN *;")
# Result
name age
0 Adam 30
1 Karissa 40
2 Zhang 50
3 Noura 25